Now that many United States banks (Chase, Capital One, Bank of America and Citi) are blocking the purchase of cryptocurrencies at Coinbase, I wonder what alternatives are out there for buying Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dash, Ethereum or Monero with a Visa, Mastercard or American Express?
you can now buy bitcoin with credit cards from inside the bread wallet app. here's a video tutorial...
While the Square CashApp isn't officially and exchange, it has become very popular with gamblers in the United States because it offers the easiest way to buy and sell bitcoin in the US. Just be careful no to send bitcoin directly to the cash app from a gambling site or you might get banned. ALWAYS use a middle-man wallet
My advice is don't buy bitcoin or any cryptocurrency using credit cards because if you go into debt you will make stupid decisions. If the price drops by 50% or more, you'll panic and sell. It's much easier to hodl if you don't have any debt.
This is good advice. I dollar cost average which means I buy a few hundred bucks (or whatever I can afford) every month regardless of the price. If you bought all your BTC at $19,000 in December 2017, you likely would have panic sold and lost a fortune. By buying a little bit every month without going into debt, you are more likely to ride out the bear markets.