Are BTCC Bitcoin Chips a good option for poker chips?

Discussion in 'Bitcoin Poker' started by PokerGod, Dec 7, 2016.

  1. PokerGod

    PokerGod Member

    Even though I do most of my playing online these days, I do hold the occasional poker night with some fellow geeks. Most of them have an interest in bitcoin so I was wondering if it would be a fun/good idea for us to to each buy some of the BTCC commemorative chips that they are selling to use as poker chips during a game. The new chips come in 6 denominations, starting at 1,000 bits (roughly 70 cents) and go up as high as 500,000 bits (almost $400).

    They look pretty cool....

  2. Humble Servant

    Humble Servant Active Member Staff Member

    I guess they would be fun to play with but you could never be sure if they've already been swiped or not. At then end of your poker night, you might end up with just a pocket full of near worthless chips.
  3. Lance

    Lance Member

    they sure are pretty. hopefully one day each of those will be worth thousands of dollars.
  4. EthHead

    EthHead Member

    If the price of bitcoin doesn't rise too much, I would feel comfortable playing with 100kb coins. If the price goes up 10x though, I would need to swipe the codes into a wallet.
  5. Doyle

    Doyle Member

    If I was Dan Bilzerian and lived off my Dad's trust fund then I'd love to play with those chips. But sadly I don't have that kind of money so I'd have to strip search all my friends at the end of a poker night to make sure they haven't stolen any tokens.
  6. Humble Servant

    Humble Servant Active Member Staff Member

    The value of these poker chips has skyrocketed this year along with the price of bitcoin so people should probably take better care of them. Personally I think they might be collectors items and are better stored in a safe.

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