Are there any bitcoin-only clones of 5Dimes, Pinnacle or Heritage?

Discussion in 'Bitcoin Sports Betting' started by Doyle, Mar 10, 2017.

  1. Doyle

    Doyle Member

    5Dimes is my favourite online sportsbook but unfortunately they have limits on the amounts that I can bet there. I'm wondering if there are any clones of 5Dimes that offer identical odds and lines but only accept bitcoin. Pinnacle and Heritage Sports are OK too so I'd be interested in hearing about any clones of those sportsbooks.

    Cloning a site like 5Dimes shouldn't be too hard and it would attract a lot of high value sports bettors who are restricted on the original sites.
  2. Fatboy

    Fatboy Member

    5Dimes accepts bitcoin now so why not wager there?
  3. Humble Servant

    Humble Servant Active Member Staff Member

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