Before you guys jump down my throat, I'm aware that there is a strong likelihood that OneCoin is either a ponzi or just a straightforward scam. I'm just curious about what OneCoin investors do once they've bought their coins. Are there any e-commerce sites that accept OneCoin? Are there are any casinos or sportsbooks out there accepting OneCoin?
I don't think OneCoin is openly traded (and it never will be) so gambling operators should be stuck holding this shitcoin if they accepted it. If you see OneCoin being accepted at any poker room or sportsbook you should run a mile.
HA! Would anyone seriously gamble at a sportsbook or casino that accepted OneCoin? They are the biggest con artists in crypto.
No. If I saw OneCoin listed as a payment option, I would withdraw my money and close my account immediately.
Why have these con men and women not been arrested an thrown in jail yet? It makes no sense that they can so blatently scam people for this long and not face arrest.